Tag: scala
- scala-cli-repl: a Scala REPL based on scala-cli
- Programming in scala with a custom sbt with ensime
- Coverlay for Scala, or how to produce lcov from cobertura
- Streams: handle big data with laziness
- Use test generators to assess Scala software performance
- Check your performance with ScalaCheck generators
- Make Emacs help in creating an example of Scala classes
- A docstring for Scala functions through YaSnippet
- Save your memory when compiling Scala
- Fold the recursive function
- My Emacs setup for Scala development
- JVisualVM, or how to observe the state of your Java Virtual Machine
- Run a single ScalaTest case with Emacs and sbt-mode
- FS2 vs ZIO streams with Ammonite: a syntax comparison
- A useful function to contribute to Scala Metals lsp server with Emacs