Where parallels cross

Interesting bits of life

FS2 vs ZIO streams with Ammonite: a syntax comparison

In this post I give a micro comparison of the syntax for Streams in Scala for two notable libraries ZIO and FS2.

These libraries make large use of functional programming concepts and of the Scala's type system.

What we are trying to achieve in the following example is:

  1. make an infinite stream of numbers
  2. add a unit to each of the numbers
  3. make each number a string
  4. take the first 10 numbers

The core feature of the Stream data structure is the lazy transformation of data: this means that adding a unit to an infinite list of numbers will not take forever.

(Note: I am using the Ammonite REPL for the examples, you will see the weird initial ivy import statement, which is pulling the dependency and making our life easier)

So, let's compare! FS2 first:

import $ivy.`co.fs2::fs2-core:3.7.0`
import fs2.{Pipe, Pure, Stream}

val sourceStream: Stream[Pure, Int] = Stream(1,2,3).repeat // an infinite list of int
val pipe: Pipe[Pure, Int, Int] = _.map(_ + 1) // sum
val pipe2: Pipe[Pure, Int, String] = _.map(_.toString) // toString
val sinkStream: Pipe[Pure, String, String] = _.take(10) // take 10
val compositeStream = sourceStream.through(pipe).through(pipe2).through(sinkStream)

import $ivy.$                       

import fs2.{Pipe, Pure, Stream}

sourceStream: Stream[Pure, Int] = Stream(..)
pipe: Pipe[Pure, Int, Int] = ammonite.$sess.cmd11$$$Lambda$2296/0x0000000840a77840@1e748256
pipe2: Pipe[Pure, Int, String] = ammonite.$sess.cmd11$$$Lambda$2297/0x0000000840a78840@6b211df3
sinkStream: Pipe[Pure, String, String] = ammonite.$sess.cmd11$$$Lambda$2298/0x0000000840a79040@4e1af109
compositeStream: Stream[[x]Pure[x], String] = Stream(..)
res11_7: cats.package.Id[List[String]] = List("2", "3", "4", "2", "3", "4", "2", "3", "4", "2")

This looks pretty elegant! FS2 emphasizes Pipes (transformations) over Sources and Sinks, so we miss the Akka's way of doing things (another library for Streams that relies on the Actor model).

And now ZIO:

import $ivy.`dev.zio::zio:2.0.14`
import $ivy.`dev.zio::zio-streams:2.0.14`
import zio.Schedule
import zio.stream.{ZStream, ZSink, ZPipeline}

val sourceStream: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Int] = ZStream(1,2,3).repeat(Schedule.forever) // a list of int
val pipe: ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, Int, Int] = ZPipeline.map[Int, Int](_ + 1) // sum
val pipe2: ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, Int, String] = ZPipeline.map[Int, String](_.toString) // toString
val sinkStream: ZSink[Any,Nothing,String,String,zio.Chunk[String]] = ZSink.take[String](10) // take 10
val compositeStream = sourceStream.via(pipe).via(pipe2).run(sinkStream)

compositeStream // TODO this is not working because of ammonite's https://github.com/zio/zio/issues/4806
import $ivy.$                    

import $ivy.$                            

import zio.Schedule

import zio.stream.{ZStream, ZSink, ZPipeline}

sourceStream: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Int] = zio.stream.ZStream@494e9f73
pipe: ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, Int, Int] = zio.stream.ZPipeline@16d229bf
pipe2: ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, Int, String] = zio.stream.ZPipeline@6aa4b9ae
sinkStream: ZSink[Any, Nothing, String, String, Chunk[String]] = zio.stream.ZSink@e4a5b751
compositeStream: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Chunk[String]] = OnSuccess(
    Sync("ammonite.$sess.cmd9.compositeStream(cmd9.sc:10)", zio.Scope$ReleaseMap$$$Lambda$1732/0x000000084091e840@5c448433),
res9_9: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Chunk[String]] = OnSuccess(
    Sync("ammonite.$sess.cmd9.compositeStream(cmd9.sc:10)", zio.Scope$ReleaseMap$$$Lambda$1732/0x000000084091e840@5c448433),

As you can see, ZIO looks a little more verbose. And it has ZSink! By the way, you may notice that the verbosity comes also from the extra type: [Any, Nothing, Int, String] has four types instead of three like in FS2. The first type in both ZIO and FS2 is the wrapping environment (typically a IO monad kind of type, which represents the messiness of the real world), the last two are input and output types of the Stream. In ZIO the second type makes explicit the (expected) error that the Stream can produce. That is why in our example is Nothing: our Stream is basically a list of numbers that does not interact with the real world at all. You can imagine an expected error to be a network error, if we were streaming a movie.

Anyway that is as far as I go with my little exploration. (It was enjoyable to try within Emacs with ob-ammonite).