Tag: nyxt
- Org capture in Nyxt: taking notes while browsing
- Nyxt to mold HTML: the first mix of moldable-emacs and browsing
- Emacs with Nyxt: capturing YouTube links at time and molding Nyxt with JS
- Extending Nyxt via Emacs: how to leverage Common Lisp wealth to get your links as QR codes
- Org Roam and Nyxt: taking Zettelkasten notes from the web
- Nyxt on MacOS!
- Moldable Emacs: Vega-Lite, Nyxt and Emacs towards sustainable development
- Following wise suggestions: making emacs-with-nyxt more consistent
- Emacs, Nyxt and Engine-mode: how to browse URLs via Nyxt and Slime
- Back to Emacs while in Nyxt: how to edit the web in a Lispy editor