An easier way to try Cljs libraries with shadow-cljs ob-clojure and cider
In my previous blog, I showed how to inject libraries in a Cider session started via ob-clojure. So I thought to provide the same for ClojureScript (Cljs). With Cljs we need to do something similar, but with the additional step of setting up a REPL for Cider to work with.
When working with Cljs you may be targeting different platforms (e.g., Node.js, the browser, or even mobile). I had a great experience using shadow-cljs for compiling Cljs to one of these, so I picked that tool for starting the volatile REPL I need. I say volatile because in my note-taking/min-exploration session I am aiming to avoiding the distraction of setting up a Cljs project from scratch.
The use case looks like this in an Org Mode file:
#+begin_src clojurescript :deps '(("io.github.ruffnext/cljs-http" "0.1.47")) :shadowcljs-type "browser-repl" (ns example.core (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]) (:require [cljs-http.client :as http] [cljs.core.async :refer [<!]])) (def result (atom {})) (go (let [response (<! (http/get "" {:with-credentials? false :query-params {"since" 135}}))] (swap! result #(conj % [:status (:status response)] [:login (map :login (:body response))])))) @result #+end_src #+RESULTS: | #'example.core/result | | #object[cljs.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel] | | {:status 200, :login ("simonjefford" "josh" ...)} |
In the above block you may see that I successfully run some example code for the cljs-http library via an Org Mode source block. (Hurrah!)
May be also useful to see this in action:
If you are an user of Org Babel, you may also recognize that the
and shadowcljs-type
headers don't come by default. My hack
uses these to setup the shadow-cljs REPL correctly: in the example, I
target the browser and I declare the dependency I need.
The code for this to work consists in an Emacs advice which runs
around ob-eval:clojure
, which is the function Org Mode calls when
you try to run a Cljs code block.
The aim is to start a shadow-cljs REPL and then let ob-clojure
Cider. I put an if statement to avoid starting the REPL multiple
times: that seemed to work in my case, but is not battle-tested.
All in all this is the hack:
(defun my/cider-run-projectless-cljs-repl (&optional repl-type deps) "Start a projectless cljs REPL running on REPL-TYPE with DEPS. DEPS needs to be something like '((\"foo/bar\" \"0.0.1\") (\"foo/baz\" \"0.0.2\"))" (when (and ;; shadow-cljs is available (executable-find "shadow-cljs") ;; check if cider has a shadow session running for this dir (not (--any (and (s-contains-p "cider-repl" (buffer-name it)) (s-contains-p "cljs" (buffer-name it)) (s-contains-p (file-name-base (directory-file-name default-directory)) (buffer-name it))) (buffer-list))) ;; not in a cljs project (not (--any (or (s-ends-with-p ".edn" it) (s-ends-with-p ".clj" it)) (directory-files (or (ignore-errors (project-root (project-current))) default-directory))))) (let* ((repl-type (or repl-type (completing-read "Shadow-cljs REPL type:" '("browser-repl" "node-repl") nil t))) (deps-as-vectors (concat "[" (s-join "\n" (--map (concat "[" (nth 0 it) " \"" (nth 1 it) "\"]") deps)) "]"))) (with-temp-file "shadow-cljs.edn" (insert (concat "{:dependencies " deps-as-vectors "}"))) (async-shell-command (concat "shadow-cljs " repl-type)) ;; in a bit get rid of the temporary shadow-cljs.edn (run-with-idle-timer 10 nil (lambda () (shell-command "rm shadow-cljs.edn"))) repl-type))) (defun my/setup-shadow-cljs-project-if-possible (orig-fun &rest args) (if-let* ((headers (nth 1 args)) (_ (equal "cljs" (alist-get :target headers))) (cider-default-cljs-repl 'shadow) (cider-shadow-default-options (my/cider-run-projectless-cljs-repl (alist-get :shadowcljs-type headers) (alist-get :deps headers)))) (progn (while (not (car-safe (nrepl-extract-ports (cider--file-path ".")))) (message "Waiting for shadow-cljs to connect...") (sleep-for 1)) (cider-connect-cljs (list :host "localhost" :port (car (nrepl-extract-ports (cider--file-path "."))) :project-dir (concat "~/" (file-relative-name "." "~")) :cljs-repl-type 'shadow)) (apply orig-fun args)) (apply orig-fun args))) (advice-add 'ob-clojure-eval-with-cider :around #'my/setup-shadow-cljs-project-if-possible)
Note that this code creates a shadow-cljs.edn
configuration file to
declare the dependencies. Starting a REPL comes to shadow-cljs
or shadow-cljs node-repl
, which are default build ids
that shadow-cljs provides by default. I also added a timer that
deletes the file after 10 seconds of inactivity, because I am pretty
sure I would forget to cleanup things after my note taking.
I put these ob-clojure extensions in this little GitHub project to make it easier to load for people.
Happy literate hacking!