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Interesting bits of life

Moldable Emacs: how many namespaces are covered by my ClojureScript tests?

Too long; didn't read

Since ClojureScript lacks a way to do test coverage, I use static analysis in Emacs to compare the namespaces I tested against all the namespace to get a rough coverage metrics.

The problem

The other day, trying to encourage automated testing in the company I work for, I was looking for a test coverage tool for ClojureScript (cljs). If you are a cljs developer, you know that my search was invane.

Cljs transpiles to JavaScript in order to work. This means that if you write a test, it will run as JavaScript. Test coverage tools instrument source code to mark the bits of code a test exercises. Now if the original code is cljs but the execution happens in JavaScript, you see that it is difficult to do this tracing.

So I had to surrender to not keeping track of our testing progress. Or not?

It is a problem indeed

Looking for test coverage is only one way to explore your code. I often wished to have an on-demand static analysis tool. By that I mean a consistent interface to query code. For example, I would like to be able to find iterations in code no matter the language the code is written in. Imagine if we could easily answer: are there more iterations in the Clojure language code base or in the Scala one? Or what about state, objects, gotos?

A consistent interface to static analysis should allow that. I should be able to define what is an iteration, a module, state, objects and so on. But also my own patterns! For example, I can come up with my own software entity and want to find all its instances in the code. For instance, in the moldable-emacs code I came up with the concept of a "mold". One day, I may be curious about how many mold definitions are in moldable-emacs!

And there is a solution

Well, I have a prototype for answering my questions. I implemented a function in moldable-emacs called me-project-to-flattened-nodes. This function takes a directory path and returns a list of plists representing all the syntax nodes that tree-sitter could produce. The schema of a node contains these keys (:type :text :begin :end :buffer :buffer-file). The value of :type depends on tree-sitter's grammars.

Let's try this out. Say I want to explore the test coverage of the re-frame project. Given you have moldable-emacs loaded in Emacs, you can run the following code to find all tree-sitter parsed nodes in re-frame/src.

(length (me-project-to-flattened-nodes "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/src"))

Let's take a sample of nodes:

(-take 2 (me-project-to-flattened-nodes "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/src"))
((:type map_lit :text "{:npm-dev-deps {\"shadow-cljs\"              \"2.15.12\"\n                \"karma\"                    \"6.3.7\"\n                \"karma-phantomjs-launcher\" \"1.0.4\"\n                \"karma-chrome-launcher\"    \"3.1.0\"\n                \"karma-cljs-test\"          \"0.1.0\"\n                \"karma-junit-reporter\"     \"2.0.1\"}}" :begin 1 :end 310 :buffer " *temp*" :buffer-file "~/workspace/re-frame/src/deps.cljs" :mode fundamental-mode :level 0)
 (:type "{" :text "{" :begin 1 :end 2 :buffer " *temp*" :buffer-file "~/workspace/re-frame/src/deps.cljs" :mode fundamental-mode :level 1))

In this example we got a cljs map structure and a parenthesis.

This was a warm up, let's get to business. The code to get all namespaces to test becomes a string manipulation challenge.

(-take 1 (--> (me-project-to-flattened-nodes "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/src")
              (--filter (and ; find only the nodes starting with (ns
                         (eq 'list_lit (plist-get it :type))
                         (s-starts-with-p "(ns " (plist-get it :text)))
              (--map (list :ns (--> (plist-get it :text) ; cleaning to geth only the namespacea
                                    (s-split "ns " it)
                                    (nth 1 it)
                                    (s-split " " it)
                           :file (plist-get it :buffer-file))
((:ns "re-frame.cofx" :file "~/workspace/re-frame/src/re_frame/cofx.cljc"))

So we go through all the nodes and filter the ones that have the right type and the right content. This is fragile because our pattern may easily be incomplete. But is also very lightweight! Easy to change and useful.

Let's reuse something I baked early on for Clojure projects, so we can find the tested namespaces easily: me-clj-project-to-nodes-categories. This function is similar to me-project-to-flattened-nodes=, but already splits groups nodes in Clojure categories of nodes.

Let's look at the categories I programmed already.

(me-keys (me-clj-project-to-nodes-categories "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/test" "cljs"))
(:fns :datomic-queries :vars :atoms :requires)

So functions, datomic queries, vars, atoms and require statements. We are going to use "requires" in this case. The idea is that if a test requires a namespace, this namespace have been covered by tests. It is an approximation because we don't know how much namespace functionality was covered, but it is still better than nothing!

The code looks like this:

(--> (me-clj-project-to-nodes-categories "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/test" "cljs") ; focus only on cljs files
     (plist-get it :requires)
     (-flatten-n 1 it) ; the requires are grouped by file by default, we flatten that grouping
     (--filter (s-ends-with-p "_test.cljs" (plist-get it :buffer-file)) it) ; we want to ignore nodes that are not in test files
     (--map (list
             :required-modules (--> (plist-get it :text) ; this code is a hacky way to get only the namespace required
                                    (s-split "\\[" it)
                                    (--map (car (s-split " " it)) (cdr it))
                                    (--map (car (s-split "]" it)) (cdr it))
                                    (--filter (s-starts-with-p "re-" it) it))
             :file (plist-get it :buffer-file))
  ("re-frame.db" "re-frame.core")
  :file "~/workspace/re-frame/test/re_frame/event_test.cljs")
  ("re-frame.core" "re-frame.fx" "re-frame.interop" "re-frame.loggers")
  :file "~/workspace/re-frame/test/re_frame/fx_test.cljs")
  ("re-frame.interceptor" "re-frame.std-interceptors" "re-frame.interceptor" "re-frame.core")
  :file "~/workspace/re-frame/test/re_frame/interceptor_test.cljs")
  ("re-frame.core" "re-frame.subs")
  :file "~/workspace/re-frame/test/re_frame/restore_test.cljs")
  ("re-frame.subs" "re-frame.db" "re-frame.core")
  :file "~/workspace/re-frame/test/re_frame/subs_test.cljs")
  ("re-frame.trace" "re-frame.core")
  :file "~/workspace/re-frame/test/re_frame/trace_test.cljs"))

As you can see it is hacky. But it does the job! We now have the re-frame namespaces used by tests!

Now let's put everything together and get some stats for the test coverage of the re-frame code base.

(let* ((all-nodes-to-test (--> (me-project-to-flattened-nodes "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/src")
                               (--filter (and
                                          (eq 'list_lit (plist-get it :type))
                                          (s-starts-with-p "(ns " (plist-get it :text)))
                               (--map (list :ns (--> (plist-get it :text)
                                                     (s-split "ns " it)
                                                     (nth 1 it)
                                                     (s-split " " it)
                                            :file (plist-get it :buffer-file))
       (all-namespaces-to-test (-distinct (--map (plist-get it :ns) all-nodes-to-test)))
       (all-tested-nodes (--> (me-clj-project-to-nodes-categories "/home/andrea/workspace/re-frame/test" "cljs")
                              (plist-get it :requires)
                              (-flatten-n 1 it)
                              (--filter (s-ends-with-p "_test.cljs" (plist-get it :buffer-file)) it)
                              (--map (list
                                      :required-modules (--> (plist-get it :text)
                                                             (s-split "\\[" it)
                                                             (--map (car (s-split " " it)) (cdr it))
                                                             (--map (car (s-split "]" it)) (cdr it))
                                                             (--filter (s-starts-with-p "re-" it) it))
                                      :file (plist-get it :buffer-file))
       (all-tested-namespaces (-distinct (-flatten (--map (plist-get it :required-modules) all-tested-nodes)))))
  (concat (format "Rate: %s/%s" (length all-tested-namespaces) (length all-namespaces-to-test))
          (format "Namespaces that may miss tests: %s" (-difference all-namespaces-to-test all-tested-namespaces))))
Rate: 9/15
Namespaces that may miss tests: (re-frame.cofx re-frame.events re-frame.registrar re-frame.router re-frame.settings re-frame.utils)

This is helpful, no? Now we know how many namespaces we have touched with our tests and those we didn't.

Again this may be incorrect though. If in your test files you require unused namespaces (use clj-kondo for that, it is amazing!) we will consider them tested. Also we fail to catch if tested namespaces use the untested ones. In that case chances are that we are implicitly testing more files than we catch with this analyisis. So the analyisis is a high level approximation. And it took 10 minutes to make. That means it is inexpensive and could be refined if you really need to.

Most of the time we need a high level analysis to roughly answer our question. We can refine our answer if the question needs it. In my case I just needed a rough sense of coverage. If a critical namespace of my code base is in the to-test list, well I know what to do.

All in all, this shall make me excited about adding more tests and see my progress!

Even better, I have a way to answer my questions with static analysis.


So if you want to try, you just need to git clone https://github.com/day8/re-frame.git and install moldable-emacs and emacs-tree-sitter and the tree-sitter Clojure grammar and.. oh my it is quite a bit of stuff. I need to fix that, sorry! But you get the gist: this is a first step towards a consistent static analysis experience :)

Happy analyzing!
