Where parallels cross

Interesting bits of life

Write org-roam notes via Elisp

Too long; didn't read

Sometimes you may want to generate org-roam notes without typing a word. You can see the snippet that lets you make notes programmatically at the bottom.

The problem

I like to use org-roam to keep my notes organized and easy to search. I also keep my TODOs separated from my notes. If tasks are actions I plan to make, then notes are pieces of knowledge that may be useful to me in the future.

Sometimes it happens thought that a task has some useful knowledge I want to create a note for. In this case I take the contents of the task, and adapt it to a new note. This happens a bit too often though: could I make that easier for myself?

It is a problem indeed

Last weekend I also had the opportunity to chat with some other Org Mode power-users to get ready to the awesome EmacsConf! By the way, thanks to Karl to help organizing the conference and I am looking forward to see Reiner's Org workflow and how Aldric extends Emacs for GTD.

And just Aldric told me he plans to integrate org-roam as part of his GTD workflow: I hope this can help him achieve that!

And there is a solution

The plan is to take a org heading, take its content and store it in a new Org Mode file with the org-roam name pattern and structure.

Let's start from the file path:

(defun my/make-filepath (title now &optional zone)
  "Make filename from note TITLE and NOW time (assumed in the current time ZONE)."
   (format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M%S_" now (or zone (current-time-zone)))
   (org-roam--title-to-slug title)

This creates a file path looking like "<org-roam-directory>/20201112211548_some_title.org". If you are unfamiliar with Elisp, you may miss that I am misusing org-roam's code: the double hyphens in org-roam--title-to-slug mean that this is a private function that the maintainer may change at his discretion. So far it kept working fine though.

Next let's make a org-roam note file:

(defun my/insert-org-roam-file (file-path title &optional links sources text quote)
  "Insert org roam file in FILE-PATH with TITLE, LINKS, SOURCES, TEXT, QUOTE."
  (with-temp-file file-path
     "#+TITLE: " title "\n"
     "- tags :: " (--reduce (concat acc ", " it) links) "\n"
     (if sources (concat "- source :: " (--reduce (concat acc ", " it) sources) "\n") "")
     (if text text "")
     (if quote
         (concat "#+begin_src text \n"
     quote "\n"

The above function is rather customized to my template of org-roam. Maybe it works for you too though, because it matches the original template org-roam came up with. if not, you just need to edit slightly the strings. The function requires just a path and a title for creating the file. You can also pass extra parameters to fill up extra content.

Finally let's put things together to convert an Org Mode heading into a org-roam file:

(defun my/convert-task-to-org-note ()
  "Convert a task in a `org-roam' note."
  (let* ((heading (org-get-heading t t t t))
         (body (org-get-entry))
         (link (format "[[id:%s][%s]]" (org-id-get-create) heading))
         (filepath (on/make-filepath heading (current-time))))
     (list link)
     (format "* Note stored from tasks\n%s" body)
    (find-file filepath)))

Just run this on a heading and it will create automatically an org-roam note with the title of the task and its contents within a new heading.

For example running it on the next heading of this blog post I get out the following note:

#+TITLE: Conclusion

- tags :: , 
- source :: [[id:eee79a8c-2090-4583-ba93-a9693cf5dbe3][Conclusion]]

* Note stored from tasks :crypt:

So, take this code and try it out! You will be able to quickly store
your efforts and new knowledge as org-roam notes. Those are easy to
search and useful for later.

Happy note taking!

Note that the above function adds also a reference to the original task. I use org-id for links because are more reliable than Org Mode's default.


So, take this code and try it out! You will be able to quickly store your efforts and new knowledge as org-roam notes. Those are easy to search and useful for later.

Happy note taking!
