Where parallels cross

Interesting bits of life

Org crypt and LOGBOOK: how they can work together for a secure agenda.

Too long; didn't read

Do you use org-crypt to protect your agenda headlines? Do you clock in your tasks to measure how much time you spend on them? Well if you edit org-property-drawer-re dynamically you will spare some of the clumsiness of org-decrypt (please see the last code snippet at the bottom for the running solution). Be careful to not store sensitive information in the heading drawers though, because org-crypt will leave them in plain text.

The problem

I started using org-crypt recently. This is a mode that substitutes the contents of your heading with a PGP hash for entries you tag :crypt:. The result is amazing: protected agenda files, files still in plain text (so git can handle them with no problem), and even compressed in size (the hash reduces the text and so the size of the file)!

Anyway, a little bug keeps bothering me: sometimes I find I cannot decrypt an headline. When I try to make it visible, it stays encrypted.

The problem is that if I reschedule an entry, I set Org Mode to add a logbook drawer with the created time of the entry, but then org-crypt-decrypt-entry runs on the wrong line.

So for example this entry will stay encrypted after I run the function on it:

* TODO some test heading :crypt:
SCHEDULED: <2020-08-23 Sun>
:CREATED:  [2020-08-22 Sat 16:05]
- Rescheduled from "[2020-08-22 Sat]" on [2020-08-22 Sat 16:05]


(You imagine the cold sweating the first time this happened.)

It is a problem indeed

In practice this means that given you use LOGBOOK drawers, any rescheduling, clocking in and out would result in making your entry difficult to decrypt. The immediate workaround is to delete the drawer and try to decrypt again, but that information is useful and I would rather avoid this clumsiness! So exploration time: let's fix this and save any reader the headache.

And there is a solution

Let's examine the function:

(defun org-decrypt-entry ()
  "Decrypt the content of the current headline."
  (require 'epg)
  (unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
     (org-back-to-heading t)
     (let ((heading-point (point))
       (when (looking-at "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")
         ; some decrypting logic

So roughly we:

  1. go back to the heading (org-back-to-heading t)
  2. move to the end of the :PROPERTIES: drawer (org-end-of-meta-data)
  3. decrypt if we are on the regexp (when (looking-at "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")

Maybe we found a bug in Org Mode? Let's look at org-end-of-meta-data:

(defun org-end-of-meta-data (&optional full)
  "Skip planning line and properties drawer in current entry.
When optional argument FULL is non-nil, also skip empty lines,
clocking lines and regular drawers at the beginning of the
  (org-back-to-heading t)
  (when (looking-at-p org-planning-line-re) (forward-line))
  (when (looking-at org-property-drawer-re)
    (goto-char (match-end 0))
  (when (and full (not (org-at-heading-p)))
    ;; we do not care about the rest, it seems error handling...

We move after the property drawer in case we run the bit of code (looking-at org-property-drawer-re). So the problem here is that the org-property-drawer-re by default excludes the regexp for :LOGBOOK:

This seems to nail the problem, but before attempting to fix the function let's think. I found the problem with decryption, but what about encryption?

Let's then look at org-encrypt-entry:

(defun org-encrypt-entry ()
  "Encrypt the content of the current headline."
  (require 'epg)
   (org-back-to-heading t)
   (setq-local epg-context (epg-make-context nil t t))
   (let ((start-heading (point)))
     (unless (looking-at-p "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")

Mmm, same pattern same problem. It seems that if we fix (org-end-of-meta-data) we will indeed fix also the encryption of the entry.

Now let's try to fix it.

First let's set the right regexp for :LOGBOOK:. We can do that by copying the elders and sit on their shoulders (or also just creative copy-pasting).

Let's inspect the current org-property-drawer-re value:

^[ 	]*:PROPERTIES:[ 	]*
\(?:[ 	]*:\S-+:\(?: .*\)?[ 	]*
\)*?[ 	]*:END:[ 	]*$

So most likely adding a new entry that has LOGBOOK instead of PROPERTIES will make the trick. Time to use regexp-builder, the amazing mode to test your regexp live. After a bit of playing around with it, this is the regexp:

(setq org-property-drawer-re
  (concat "^[ 	]*:[A-Z]*:[ 	]*\n"
       "[ \t]*:END:[ \t]*$"))

The original regexp only matches PROPERTIES drawers that contains entries structured like "x:y". I want instead to match ":ANYTHING:anything:END:", where the first anything could be "PROPERTIES" or "LOGBOOK" or "BLA", and the second "anything" can be any text enclosed within.

And indeed this fixes the org-crypt problem. However this breaks other functionalities in Org Mode: for example adding a note now keeps creating new LOGBOOK drawers. This calls for an advice (good old aspect oriented programming):

(defun my/with-catching-all-drawers (fn)
  (let ((org-property-drawer-re
         (concat "^[ 	]*:[A-Z]*:[ 	]*\n"
                 "[ \t]*:END:[ \t]*$")))
    (funcall fn)))

 'org-encrypt-entry :around

 'org-decrypt-entry :around

Now our regexp applies only in the context of org-encrypt, and other Org Mode functionalities can still work safely.


So give a try and see if this makes your workflow smoother. Just setup org-crypt and run the last snippet of elisp will make your day!

Note that a concern with this solution is that now notes added to a task tagged with :crypt: stay as plain text, which may be dangerous if you store sensitive information in them. So just make sure to avoid storing your passwords in headlines notes... Use a password manager for that :)

Be fabulous!
