Where parallels cross

Interesting bits of life

Enable OAuth for Gmail with Emacs and OfflineIMAP

I use mu4e with offlineimap to manage my emails. Today I was trying to send an email with Gmail and I got:

"Sending failed: 530-5.7.0 Authentication Required gmail offlineimap"

So far I have been using App Passwords to authenticate with a simple login. Probably that insecure functionality got finally removed. It was technical debt as I knew eventually that would fail.

Recently I enabled Oauth for microsoft accounts by using my fork of https://github.com/ag91/M365-IMAP. That uses Thunderbird credentials to produce the needed refresh token.

Having that background, dealing with google was easier. I am grateful for this article, which was a great guide to get a refresh token.

The troublesome part is creating an google app with google console. Essentially:

  1. new project
  2. distribution needs to be External
  3. domain needs to be "oauth2.dance"
  4. scope needs to be set manually to https://mail.google.com/
  5. add your email as test user
  6. then on create credential
    1. desktop type
    2. get client id and secret

Once you have these, just run:

git clone https://github.com/google/gmail-oauth2-tools.git
cd python
python3 oauth2.py --user=<yours> \
    --client_id=<yours> \
    --client_secret=<yours> \

You will need to copy the code from the url after you complete authorization and paste it in the terminal.

That will produce your refresh token (and an access token but you don't need it).

Store it safely. I use password-store, so my .offlineimaprc changed like this:

auth_mechanisms = XOAUTH2
oauth2_client_id_eval = get_pass_bytes("OAUTHClientId")
oauth2_client_secret_eval = get_pass_bytes("OAUTHClientSecret")
oauth2_refresh_token_eval = get_pass_bytes("OAUTHRefresh")
oauth2_request_url = https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token

Offlineimap knows how to transform (client_id, client_secret, refresh_token) -> access_token. With the access token (instead of your plain/insecure password) it will download your email.

To send an email, you need to define the xoauth2 method for smtpmail:

(cl-defmethod smtpmail-try-auth-method
  (process (_mech (eql xoauth2)) user password)
   ((or (equal user "my-microsoft-mail"))
    ;; from https://github.com/UvA-FNWI/M365-IMAP/issues/3
    (let ((token (gethash "access_token"
                          (let ((url-request-method "POST")
                                (url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
                                (url-request-data (concat "client_id=" (password-store-get "...")
                                                          "&client_secret=" (password-store-get "...")
                                                          "&refresh_token=" (password-store-get "...")
                            (with-temp-buffer (url-insert-file-contents
                                              (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'hash-table)))
       (concat "AUTH XOAUTH2 "
                (concat "user=" user "\1auth=Bearer " token "\1\1") t)))))
   ((equal user "my-gmail-email")
    (let ((token (gethash "access_token"
                          (let ((url-request-method "POST")
                                (url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
                                (url-request-data (concat "client_id=" (password-store-get "...")
                                                          "&client_secret=" (password-store-get "...")
                                                          "&refresh_token=" (password-store-get "...")
                            (with-temp-buffer (url-insert-file-contents
                                              (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'hash-table)))
       (concat "AUTH XOAUTH2 "
                (concat "user=" user "\1auth=Bearer " token "\1\1") t)))))
   (t nil)))

This contains both the behavior for refresh a microsoft and a google token. This implements the same behavior offlineimap offers but in elisp. It will run when you try to send an email to use that as credential, so that your access token is fresh (surely not expired).

Happy emailing!